Fun Corner

The Perfect Happy Hiking Playlist

Most anything becomes a lot more enjoyable when you have the perfect playlist to listen to in the background. That’s why I have created playlists for almost every mood I could possibly be in. When it comes to hiking, I think it’s best to have an overall happy playlist, something that makes you feel grateful to be out in nature and that puts a little pep in your step. A hiking playlist is especially useful if you are someone who hikes alone.

Hopefully, this playlist consists of the perfect mix of songs you already know and love, as well as songs that you will come to know and love.

You can find the Perfect Happy Hiking Playlist here:

If you enjoy the playlist and would like for easy future accessibility to it, you can “like” the playlist on Spotify! This will save it to your library.

Happy Hiking Playlist Screenshot

Why These Songs Belong on the Perfect Happy Hiking Playlist:

Not only did I want to share with you my hiking playlist, but I wanted to share a little info on what makes the songs so great.

Learn To Fly By Surfaces & Elton John (2020)

First of all, if you want to listen to a band that makes some of the most feel-good songs ever, Surfaces has your back. Almost any of their songs would be a great addition to a hiking playlist. However, I specifically chose this one because it just has such an uplifting message, AND it features Elton John, so enough said.

Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) by Edison Lighthouse (1970)

So I discovered this song on TikTok when it became a trend, and since then, I have listened to this song an unhealthy amount of times. Overall, it just has such a great vibe to it and kinda makes you wish your name was Rosemary.

Astrovan by Mt. Joy (2018)

This song just sounds like it was meant to be played when you’re outside. I don’t really know what that means, but it just makes sense. It is a bit more chill than other songs, but it still puts you in a good mood.

Come and Get Your Love by Redbone (1973)

This is a classic upbeat song, but one of the reasons that I like it most is because when I hear it, I think of Chris Pratt dancing around at the beginning of Guardians of the Galaxy, which then makes me want to dance around as well. Basically, if there was a soundtrack to my life, I hope this would be on it.

Jupiter by Spillage Village (2020)

I would say that, like Astrovan, this song was meant to be listened to outside. It reminds me of walking through tall trees and open fields.

Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears (1985)

This is another classic upbeat song that kinda makes you want to just prance and jump around, but if you can contain your dance moves, then this is a great addition to a hike.

Welcome Home, Son by Radical Face (2007)

I also discovered this song on Tik Tok and love it a lot. This is the kind of song that, if you had an indie movie made about you, you would put on the soundtrack.

Mariposa by Peach Tree Rascals (2019)

My friend actually showed me this song a few years ago, and I can still remember the exact moment I heard it for the first time. I can’t say that about a lot of songs, so you know this one is good.

Canyon Moon by Harry Styles (2019)

I am a Harry Styles fan first and a human being second, and this is his most hike-worthy song.

Santeria by Sublime (1996)

This song definitely gives me more beach vibes than anything, but I still think it does the job of being a happy hiking song (especially if you’re walking on the beach).

Hawaii Mustang by Connor Kelly & The Time Warp (2018)

Probably also a perfect beach song, but overall it just makes you want to be outside appreciating the sunshine.

Lost by Frank Ocean (2012)

Lost is the last thing you want to be when you’re hiking, but if that is ever the case, this song might help lighten the mood.

Upside Down by Jack Johnson (2006)

Who knew that a song written for a movie about a little curious monkey could be such a hit? This song makes me as happy now as it did when I was a kid watching Curious George.

Feathered Indians by Tyler Childers (2017)

This the perfect song for when you’re hiking in a small town where the only good thing to do in that town is the hike that you are on.

Sedona by Houndmouth (2015)

This song reminds me of going on adventures with your best friends. I feel like it is one those songs that makes you take the time to appreciate the moment you’re in.

Dancing in the Moonlight by King Harvest (1973)

Had to include another classic. This song is all about everyone getting together and feeling good, so I hope it inspires you to do the same.

Colors by Black Pumas (2019)

Listen to Black Pumas sing about loving all the colors of both nature and people, and you will begin to take note of all the colors around you as well.

Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae (2006)

This is one of my favorite throwback songs. It has such good memories associated with it, and I hope you make good memories while listening to it as well.

Happy Hiking Playlist Suggestions

Feel free to comment some song suggestions below! What do you like to listen to when you hike? Maybe I will add it to my hiking playlist!


If you do choose to hike while listening to music, be sure to still be alert and aware of your surroundings! Also, why not pause the jams and take time to listen to the nature around you every once in a while?

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  • Polly

    I actually prefer not to listen to music when I am hiking even when alone. There is something extra nice about just connecting in nature and listing to the natural sounds. I would definitely make a note of these, because they could be great for road tripping!

    • alex

      Hiking without music is definitely also a treat, so I don’t blame you! I also think this could make a great roadtrip playlist as well!

  • Lita

    Okay I had to send this to my fiance, because you guys have the same taste! He has so many of these songs on his playlists like Astrovan and Sedona. He is a huge music fan. Thank you so much!

  • Mitchell

    I think this would be a great running playlist as well, as you said all of these songs make me just wanna be outside and move around

  • Francesca

    In general, I love listening to music and all.of those tracks are super inspiring! I don’t know if I would listen to them while.I hike as I love to hear at the nature sounds around me. However, I would blast in my car during a road trip, for sure! Thanks for sharing it!

  • Kat

    All of these songs are great! I think I agree with most, I love to hike and enjoy the sounds and peace of nature, but these would be great for a roadtrip!!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  • Samantha

    Thank you so much for posting this! I love these song ideas. These would also be great for a playlist while driving to the trailhead to get yourself pumped 🙂

  • Hannah

    Ooh I don’t usually listen to music when I’m hiking but tbis looks like a wonderful playlist! I’m going to try it on my next hike! Thanks for sharing these great recommendations!

  • Simplyjolayne

    Great ideas for a playlist. While I don’t usually listen to music when I hike with my husband, the music would also work for a walking playlist.

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